Tuesday, August 03, 2004

2 Years Today...

On August 3, 2002, two years ago today, Travis and I were married.

This is one of my favorite pictures from my wedding. After the ceremony (August + Nashville = HOT), our ride from the church to the reception drove us by Sonic for something cold to drink. We showed up at our home church in a 12 passenger van driven by our friends Kip & Kathleen and sipping our Diet Coke (me) and Sprite with cherry (Travis). One of my favorite memories of the day. :-)

Noelle is also 10 months old today. I'll try and remember to post her monthly bday pic later . . . we are in the throws of 5 Day Clubs this week. Last night was the first night and we had about 10 kids - 8 from our neighborhood and 2 from the church. Katherine and Tito both came - yeah! Katherine and I had a chance to talk about the memory verse she memorized that night as we all walked home together:

John 3:36
"Whoever believes in the Son shall receive eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son does not have life..."


  1. Beautiful pictures! Yep, August+Nashville= HOT, just like us in N. AL! Our honeymoon started in Nashville and ended up in Gatlinburg. The day after our wedding we had brunch at the Opryland Hotel - $17.50 per person!! *gasp*

  2. I love your pictures!! They are just beautiful....

  3. Happy anniversary! My baby is 8 months old today! :) (This is Cheryl from thedoctorswife.net).

  4. Awwwwww.....y'all look so sweet! Congrats!!


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