Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Confession is...

good for the soul. Or so they say. But boy, does it hurt. This morning, I was reading the sermon for this coming Sunday and was really convicted. There's an area where I have not been acting with integrity and for the last two days God has laid this very heavily on my heart. I'm so thankful for His forgiveness this morning. I was able to confess it to God and then I went and woke my husband up and confessed it to him and asked him to hold me accountable. My day is looking so much brighter now that I have made this right with the Lord. Just wanted to share my praise with ya'll. :-)

In other news, we are in week 4 of keeping my sister's kids. Yesterday I just had mine and my nephew (3 mo.) and we got out and ran a few errands. When we got home we all needed naps. :-) Today, Jordan is here, too, and it's been much busier around here. This afternoon she and I made cookies and I thinked that helped her feel like she got a little attention. I had put Noelle down in her crib for her nap while we were working on them and we heard a loud yell from the bedroom. I went back to check on her, thinking that she had just dropped her lamb out of the bed, only to find her mouth covered in blood and it smeared all over her hand. She must have popped her lip on the side of the crib and, since mouths bleed so badly, it was everywhere. She wasn't even crying when I went back there - just wanted me to get her out of bed so she could play with Jordan, but it sure scared me! I let her stay up a few minutes and then put her back down and she was out like a light. She's trying to drop her morning nap and go to one nap a day. From about 10:30-11 a.m. she is miserable fussy, but will not take a nap. She would stand in her crib and scream for 30 minutes rather than give in. So we are working on pushing through the morning and then taking an earlier and longer afternoon nap.

It's funny. I really thought that when she gave up her morning nap I would be all upset about losing that time that I had previously had for myself. But I'm finding that I enjoy her being up with me (except for those occasional temper tantrums that are starting to break out) and don't mind it at all. It's definitely making me have to be more focused with what time I do have to get stuff done and saving those tasks that she can either "help" me with, or that I can do while she is playing, for while she is up. She loves to help me unload the dryer . . . mostly because every now and then she will find one of her "Baa"s in the dryer and she gets such a big kick out of pulling them out. Like they are hiding from her or something. :-)

Didn't get this finished yesterday so just to wrap it up . . . we leave for Ohio on Friday to go have Christmas with Travis' family. It's also his brother's birthday so it will be fun to see everyone. I'm looking forward to the drive with Travis - always gives us a good time to talk in the car, catch up and read. (I'm also anticipating a possible nap).

Bible study starts back today so best go get a few things done so that I will be ready. I'm still getting up at 6 a.m. - it becomes a little bit less painful every day, and I'm finding that it does help me to get up and get organized after spending time reading my Bible. Coincidence? I think not. :-)

1 comment:

  1. I've been getting up at 6:30 to have my quiet time too and I agree it makes the day go so much better. Why then is it so hard to do?


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One of my goals this year has been to diversify my reading. As I've spent the last 17 years homeschooling anywhere from 1-4 kids, I woul...