I am in a serious funk. Bleah. One that I am convinced can only be solved by peanut M&M's. And I have none. Double-bleah. Right now I am babysitting a friend's son until about noon. I can tell you where Noelle and I will be headed after Ty leaves this afternoon - off to find peanut M&M's! And maybe some Good 'n Plenty. Ty is napping right now, and Noelle is sitting in my lap eating a graham cracker stick and being alltogether way too precious. We had Ty all day yesterday, too, and I think Noelle enjoyed having a buddy right about her size here for the day. Ty is about 7 months younger than Noelle, but about 5 pounds heavier - a cute chunk of a boy. :-) He's crawling like a maniac and pulling up on everything. I forgot what it was like when Noelle was this age (and it wasn't that long ago!) I had to close off the kitchen and the baby gate to the hallway/bathroom/bedroom areas to contain him. Busy around here.
Anyway, I'm not going to get into the funk-i-ness. Some of it is some legitimate disappointments in situations/people. Some of it is my expectations that are probably not in line with reality. But all of it stuff that I need to wrestle over with the Lord and work through it. My paper journal will probably be getting a work out later when there isn't an adorable sweet girl on my lap who would want to help with the writing. :-)
We have an unusual weekend ahead of us. Noelle is going to her Aunt Ka-Ka and Uncle Boo's tonight and spending the night with her cousins Jo & Bubbe. (I love all her nicknames for family!) :-) She has a big evening ahead of her - Uncle Boo's softball game, and then tomorrow she'll go see Jordan's soccer game and then (I think) they are going to the Smyrna Air Show. I don't know what Travis and I are going to do tonight. I think a trip to Target is planned - all together, "ooooooohhhh!" Seriously, I need a new nightshirt/gown. (Not THAT kind!) I've been sleeping in XXL t-shirts for about 7-8 years now and they are in serious need of burning. It's pretty sad. I've had them from when I was heavier, continued to sleep in them when I lost a bunch of weight, wore them through 9 months of pregnancy and now, 19 more months later, they are just worn out. I just finished a book that Nattie sent me and it was really good. (Note: it was non-fiction and I read it! *applause*) Anyway, one of the chapters talks about how the writer needed a new "boditude" - grasping the concept of making friends with your body regardless of the number on your scale or the size of your hips. That made total sense to me - while I'm working hard at slimming down, it's not going to happen overnight. I've been amazed at how much better I've felt about getting myself ready and dressed in the morning just from going to Wal-mart and buying 3-4 new $5 t-shirts that are the right size and don't have holes tucked away on them! All that to say, slowly but surely, I'm going to be doing some boditude overhaul - that may mean buying a new $2 lipgloss in a fun flavor, using my new heel smoother that either Cheri or Dana tipped me off to, drinking more water (drank some yesterday - woo-hoo!), and not being ashamed of needing at least 8 hours of sleep to function and being a nice person. :-)
Also, we have a wedding to go to tomorrow. This is the girl that I just finished doing wedding programs and change of address cards for. It's an 11:30 wedding and then followed by a fancy-schmancy brunch/lunch with a jazz band. Hence Noelle going to the Aunt & Uncle's - not a kiddie event. And Travis gets to wear his suit. I *heart* him in a suit.
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