Friday, July 10, 2015

Currently :: July 2015

Fearless girls. #shepherdsupersummer2015The boy's first roller coaster. Safe to say he loved it! #shepherdsupersummer2015#shepherdsupersummer2015Thoroughly enjoying a few extra days off for T before he goes back to work. It's been a while since he's been able to go to the @nashvillezoo with us so it was fun showing him all our favorite animals. #itssimplytuesdayIMG_4273IMG_4257IMG_4275
It's been re-entry week here after a week and a half of vacation and time off work. Catching up laundry, planning meals and actually cooking them, and even sneaking a little math in. It's been a good week. #gettoworkbook #shepherdhomeschoolrocks

vacationing with family in Ohio. We spent time with cousins, aunts, uncles, etc. and it was delightful.

visiting Cedar Point. The roller coaster capital of the world, apparently. Such a fun day riding rides and hanging out as a family. Some people rode the tallest roller coaster in the world and survived. I wasn't one of them though I did ride the second highest. Won major fun mom awards that day.

eating all the unhealthy stuff as you do on vacation. Fun, but also so nice to be back in the kitchen this week cooking and eating lots of salads and veggies.

enjoying fresh watermelon and peaches this week in abandon!

reading Simply Tuesday by Emily Freeman (a pre-release copy that I'm slowly savoring) and Anne of Green Gables. I don't know the last time that I have read Anne, but it has been a long time! Right now, I'm revisiting Green Gables and anticipating slowly reading through the series again this summer.

watching movies in the evenings with our crew. We love watching movies together and it's one of our favorite ways to wind down in the evening.

cheering kids on in summer sports as well. We have two girls playing indoor soccer this summer (so fun! and air conditioned!) and one boy playing t-ball (so fun! and not air conditioned!) Both of these activities have summertime practice schedules, which means they don't practice much at all, so a game here or there has been fun and not a hassle to fit into our schedule.

starting a little school this week for a small summer session. A couple of girls didn't quite get all their math finished this spring and we have a goal of knocking out those last 10-ish lessons before summer camp at the end of the month.

savoring a slower schedule the last few weeks and enjoying the down time after the last year which was hard and busy. I'm looking to continue this attitude / pace / environment for as long as I can!

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One of my goals this year has been to diversify my reading. As I've spent the last 17 years homeschooling anywhere from 1-4 kids, I woul...