Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Monday Re-Entry

Fourth grade truth.

Some Mondays require an easier re-entry than others. I've been rereading Sarah Mackenzie's Teaching from Rest and I think some of her wise words are sinking in this time around. Yes, get the work done, but remember to take into account what else is going on.
  • Did we have a full weekend? Yes.
  • Do we have any extras / unexpected things on our Monday? Yes. Not necessarily unexpected since I made the appointment, but one of the girls had two teeth pulled first thing Monday morning. I remembered that I need to not have super high expectations on getting everything on my list done when the appointment will (and did) take longer than I expected.
  • What has to happen today and what can I let slide? Preparation for Classical Conversations needed to get done to be ready for Tuesday's classes. Laundry can wait until our next day back home on Wednesday.
Giving myself grace not to tackle every minutia on the to-do list along with stacking my kids' to-do lists sky high made yesterday do-able in spite of a bump or redirection here and there. I'm writing this note to remind myself that bigger isn't always better and less sometimes trumps more when it comes to our home environment.

As I have time, I'm going to try and blog thoughts and lessons that I have gleaning from Sarah's book, Teaching from Rest. I did received a paperback copy of the book in exchange for a review, but I would gladly pay for the book out of pocket! You can find the book on Amazon, but I would also encouraged buying it from Classical Academic Press which has an accompanying journal and mp3s.

1 comment:

  1. Sigh. I really am going to have to get that book, aren't I?!


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