That our baby girl can smile. :) She smiled for the first time right on her 4-week birthday, but it's taken me almost two weeks to capture it on film. She is just such a cuddly, snuggly baby. Last night, N1 went to Grandma & Grandpa's for the evening and it was just us and the baby. It was kinda fun getting to snuggle with her on the couch while we watched a DVD without N1 wanting attention or juice or something. And I know she (N1) lapped up the Grandparent time over with my folks so it all worked all well for everyone. :)
I don't think I've mentioned our "big-screen TV" that we have now. (insert laugh here) A couple weeks ago, I took N2 and went out to dinner with some girlfriends. Travis & N1 had a special video night - we store the church's powerpoint projector at our house so they unpacked it and set it up with my laptop, tacked a giant white bedsheet to our wall, and watched a video together. It's not one of those new-fangled flat screen monitors by any stretch, but it is very fun. :) Last night, with N1 gone, we made some fajitas and had a mexican picnic at our large coffee table in the family room which watching Alias (season 2 episodes) on our big screen. Totally fun, inexpensive, date night for us.
A N1 update ... thankfully she has not tried to change anymore of her diapers lately. However, this afternoon, I went back to check on her while she was taking a nap. I found her buck n@ked in her bed! No shirt, pants or DIAPER! And she was completely asleep. Of the things that passed through my head:
(1) Yeah! She's asleep.
(2) Where are her CLOTHES!?
(3) Has she wet the bed? (Checking frantically without waking child).
(4) Whew, all dry.
(5) Get a diaper on her PRONTO, yet again without waking said child.
(6) Get self caffiene free diet coke and slump into chair.
(7) Ponder picking up pull-ups this week at Target and giving potty-training a go.
Note to
Maria and
Cheryl ... Yes, I did take a picture of her napping in her n@kedness. Oh yes, it will be scrapped. :)