Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A Random Review // Totally Together Journal

When one cleans off their desk, one might find a book they were sent this summer to review and didn't. Oops.

I was sent a copy of the Totally Together Journal this summer - a nifty book that is both "a planner and organizing system to help women conquer chaos." 

This book combines a practical planner with a smart system for women who are feeling frenzied (that is, most of them!). With sets of daily, weekly, monthly, and season to-dos, Totally Together lets women manage their priorities and prevent molehills from turning into mountains. 

As we are almost on top of the new year, and time for folks to make resolutions such as staying on top of housework better, getting organized and ready with a cleaning rotation for the house, etc., I thought that (even though this review is about six months overdue) now is a good time to mention this book! It's written by Stephanie O'Dea, who is also the author of the highly popular Crockpot 365 blog that I've mentioned one or a hundred times on the blog. She has broken down a routine for keeping on top of housework, email, and the general to-do list that makes sense. The book starts with an explanation of her system and her "daily 7" and then ends with a planner with little check boxes so you can see what you have accomplished (or still have left to do as the case may be).

In my perusal of this book, I found it to be very handy as far as wrapping my brain around housecleaning routines. My one issue with the book is just the format. It is published as a handy little spiral notebook which is a little cumbersome to tote around the house, when I already have a planner with everything else in it that I use faithfully. If one could download the checklists as a PDF to print and put in my notebook or hang on my fridge, I think it would get more use from me.

Still, if you need a jumping off spot as you start the new year, this book is worth a look. 

Thank you to Berkley Publishing for sending me a copy to review and my apologies for the delay of this review! I have received no compensation for this review other than a copy of the book.

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