How has it been one week already?
(You can barely see his little blue eyes in this picture ... blue is definitely his color!)
Lots of eating and sleeping and sleeping and eating going on around here ... some of us more than others. : )
(A little perspective in this shot so you can see how tiny he is in the chair).
We have gotten out for a couple of weight checks this week. Because my babies are so big, they always drop quite a bit of weight at birth. We went in Monday and he was down about a pound and a half, but by Wednesday his weight was back up by about 3 oz. due to finally getting some milk and we're now on an upward track!
The sisters love him so much! Sometimes it's a little hard to understand why we can't hold him RIGHT. NOW. when he is busy eating, but they all love snuggling him. He is going to be one very spoiled and loved little man!
PS. I had several ask if he was our biggest baby ... no, but he made 2nd place! Natalie was 11' 4.5'' when she was born and beat him out by just a few ounces. : ) (The other two were 9' 11'' (Noelle) and 10' 10'' (Betsy) at birth). We just like big babies in our house!