Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Thank You


Thank you for the sweet comments and wishes for Travis' recovery! We've been laying low for the most part and staying indoors. He's been working from home some and the girls think it's pretty cool that Daddy is here during the day. Several friends from church have brought over meals for which I've been so thankful. So nice not to have to worry about what we are going to be eating while I'm keeping up with everyone. He goes back to the Dr. tomorrow (Thursday) for a post-operative check and we are hopeful that he will move to a brace with a moveable joint. The Dr. wants to start allowing a (very) little mobility soon - elbows apparently will tend to lock up if stationary for too long.

Today's agenda will be about the same as most of the other days in the last week. My Women's Bible study has been cancelled due to snow (all the schools in our area are closed today) as well as Noelle's Awana tonight. I won't deny that I was looking forward to getting out of the house this morning for a little bit! I do need to run to the bank, so the girls and I may get out for a drive later this morning and do that quick errand. That's about all the excitement from these parts!

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