Monday, May 23, 2011


Outside my Window ... a gray, drizzly day. We're supposed to have rain several days this week and, although I know the girls will be a bit disappointed to not start this first day of summer break out on their bikes, I'm looking forward to the slow start to this Monday.

I am thinking ... that I'm not really feeling ready for this week! I was hoping to have a better grasp of what our summer routine would look like and what I would like to do with the girls, but last week wiped me out. The baby started the week cutting two bottom teeth and ended the week with a double ear infection + pinkeye. Poor boy. Add to that all the end of school stuff and we were either on the go or I was walking around holding a little guy that didn't want anything but Mama. 

I am thankful for ... a boy that is feeling better! Our nighttime sleep is still a bit off because we were waking up because we didn't feel good so I'm hoping to get that back somewhat normal this week. (He still doesn't sleep through the night yet, but we've added a few extra wake-ups that I'd like wean back out). Thankfully, he has gone back to being super-napper baby and those will help me catch up some today!


If the boy will sit still enough for a sister to cuddle him, he is not feeling 100%!

In the learning room ... school is out at our little homeschool academy for the summer. N1 ran her grades out to the mailbox this morning so the last bit of paperwork is done. We are going to work on the rest of our math through the summer, but otherwise, the school books are put away for awhile

From the kitchen ... chicken for soft tacos in the crockpot, working on my menu plan for the next week out. I have been a die-hard once a month shopper (for the most part) for several years now and that system has worked well for me. However, over the summer I'm going to try planning and shopping a week at a time. I am trying to incorporate more fresh produce into the rotation - especially as all the good summer stuff is available - but that doesn't work as well on the once a month rotation. Also, I find planning a month of summer meals at a time harder. (Is that just me?) When it gets hot outside, I don't feel like cooking as much so planning for a whole month of meals just isn't as appealing.

I am creating ... working on catching up a couple weeks of Project Life and hope to post those this week. Creating plans for our fall schooling as well. Lots of lists are in process. : )

I am going ... to take three girls to the dentist this afternoon. Fun stuff. We are going to try and go to one of the nephew's baseball games this week, but otherwise, lots of home time which I am so excited about.

I am wearing ... brown capri pants and a brown and white flowered shirt. 

I am reading ... The Usual Suspects (a Grimm Sisters Mystery) (pre-reading for N1) and trying to decide what non-fiction book to start. I have so many good ones that I'm dying to read this summer that I may have to make myself assignments to get them done. : ) I actually did spend a few minutes on Saturday putting everything I would like to read that was already on my shelf in a basket by my bed - I guess I need to go peruse the pile and just pick something! : ) 

I am hoping ... to get a date night on the calendar this week! T and I had tentative plans to go out Sunday night, but things never really locked in so that it worked and I will admit that I really want to go see the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie in the theater. I have a hidden weakness for good (clean) action movies and special effects. : )

I am hearing ... little girls playing make-believe with our princesses and other little dolls. Happy sounds of the first day of summer break.

Around the house ... the house needs a little TLC which I'm hoping to hit this week. I just hit the basics last week with the constant holding of the sick/teething boy and I have a few hot spots I want to tackle. Some outgrown clothes need to move on, need to purge a few things off the bookshelves, and our school stuff from this year needs filing and put away. 

One of my favorite things ... my girlfriends. I came late into the game on close girlfriends due to lots of moves growing up. However, I am more than making up for that now. On Saturday night, I was able to host three of my dear friends for dinner while my most fabulous husband took the girls out for ice cream. We stayed up until 1:45 a.m. talking and even though I didn't get much sleep, my spirit was so refreshed. Love you my friends - thank you so much for coming over and hanging in my space this weekend!


A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... I think I've mentioned much of what we have going on above - laundry, dentist, baseball game, etc. And did I mention school's out? : )

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you ...

Candy Land

Lots of Candy Land happening around here lately. Love the age when little ones figure out how to play this one on their own.


  1. Hi friend! I had a long night of sleep last night and feel refreshed in body & spirit now. Thank you for hosting us. Soooo nice to catch up in person and not just on the blog -- I already knew most of this in your post!! Yay! Beautiful home, beautiful friendship -- thanks for hosting. Thanks for being a faithful friend for such a long time.

  2. What a sweet cuddling picture... Sure hope your little guy is feeling much better soon and you can both get back to getting a bit more sleep. Teeth-cutting and ear infections and a change of routine is enough to wear any mama out!


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One of my goals this year has been to diversify my reading. As I've spent the last 17 years homeschooling anywhere from 1-4 kids, I woul...