Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Going, Going

I had hopes of doing a Ten on Tuesday blog this week, but time is elusive. N1 is attending a nature camp this week (she is LOVING it!) but taking a munchkin to "school" and picking her up is new to our routine. My hats off to you Moms that do this daily. And our camp doesn't even start until 9 am!

Anyway, hopefully I'll be back one of these days, but I'm trying to stay on top of things between pick-up and drop-off right now. More later. : )


  1. Every Friday as we leave the house at 8:30 am to go to Home School Co-op I think, "People do this EVERY DAY?!" It is exhausting to leave the house before 10 am with lots of little ones in tow!

  2. Amen and amen! I RARELY make it to our co-op just exactly on time--usually more like 3-5 minutes late. And I used to consider myself a very punctual person.

    How do they do it? :-)

  3. People ask me all the time how I do as much mom taxi-ing as I do, and I just thank God for my husband's help! That and lists.


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One of my goals this year has been to diversify my reading. As I've spent the last 17 years homeschooling anywhere from 1-4 kids, I woul...