Saturday, August 21, 2010


It's been a while since we've had a slow Saturday. Little girls that slept in until almost 8 a.m.(!) which I thoroughly enjoyed. I was able to get up and get coffee going, my Bible chapters read, and a start at tackling the mess on my desk. (Still working through my read-through-the-Bible-in-a-year goal ... as of today I'm nearing the end of Jeremiah.)

We had a busy day on the town yesterday after a couple weeks of staying home and getting into our homeschool routine. The girls and I started out with a trip to Noelle's tutorial to meet her teacher, see/find her classroom, and pick up a few books. We are eagerly looking forward to Monday and the beginning of her first grade adventure there. After that, it was a quick stop at Target and then on to the library. It has been a while since we have taken a leisurely trip there. Of late, we have dashed in, grabbed our few books on hold and dashed back out without taking the time to browse and meander the aisles. Our library basket is now overflowing and I had happy little ladies curled up with books later in the afternoon. For myself, I checked out Honey for a Woman's Heart. This was written by the author of Honey for A Child's Heart, which is an excellent resource for books for children and some thoughts behind establishing a love a reading. I managed to stay up until after 11 p.m. (a minor miracle) reading this book, and am looking forward to scanning through it again with paper and pen to make notes of authors and titles to add to an already long to-be-read list.

On the agenda for the rest of today ... making a couple batches of granola and waffles to store for upcoming breakfasts, a quick run to Sam's, and some reading with the aforementioned new library books. Dinner tonight is leftover lasagna which I love ... Saturday night dinners always seem to sneak up on me. (Lasagna and spaghetti are two things that I think taste even better as leftovers).

Hope you are having a good Saturday!


  1. Sounds lovely. I stayed home with the DLM this morning and Steady Eddie took our girls to a birthday party at a splash pad. SE, DLM, and I are headed out for a date shortly now that the girls have gone over to their nana's for her/their weekly fix! :-)

    Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on Honey for a Woman's Heart!

  2. What recipe do you use for granola? I like Ina Garten's from Food Network, but I'm always on the lookout for a new one.


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One of my goals this year has been to diversify my reading. As I've spent the last 17 years homeschooling anywhere from 1-4 kids, I woul...