Friday, August 06, 2010

Simple Celebrations

We've completed (survived?) our first week of school. This calls for a little celebration with homemade chocolate chip cookies to go along with this week's family pizza and movie night.


  1. i adore cc cookies still warm from the oven and bug's life is fun. my 4-year old and i are reading it {from the library trip this week} for the next few story times, it's longer than our usual bed time story.

  2. Congrats on completing the first week of school! We're starting in a week or two (the 23rd at the latest!)

    Kath at Leah's house

  3. Those cookies look yum! We also had pizza but we watched "Disaster House" on Hulu. My boys think the show is cool and all the kids yell "DIY"!

  4. Congratulations! We survived it, too! :-)

  5. Sounds good to me!

    We actually watched that movie this afternoon! =D (Octopuses are still interesting, but we've moved into buggy land. Specifically ladybugs. So here we are!) Hope y'all have a fantastic evening!


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