Tuesday, January 01, 2013

2013: Abide


verb (an action word)
1. To remain, stay or continue
2. To wait for
3. To bear patiently; to put up with;

Also, abide by:
1. To be faithful to
2. To accept the terms or consequences of

And, abiding:
1. Lasting; permanent

What I will be thinking and pondering about this coming year.
  • abiding in Jesus
  • praying for more of Him and less of me
  • what it looks like to be abiding in the “vine” and what fruit will come out of nurturing that relationship
  • studying the fruit of the spirit in depth and learning as much as I can about each one and praying and practicing each one
  • abiding in what He has provided for me. Learning to be content in all things and changing my typical “glass half full” perspective to a more Biblical one of gratitude what God has provided and allowed for me.
  • abiding / continue / be faithful to the care of my husband, children, and home. Putting them first and not letting myself get lazy in care of them.
  • abiding and resting and taking care of myself in the season of small (and not as small anymore) children
And I’m sure much more will come of this year of abiding in Him.

Happy Twenty-Thirteen. : )

2012: Here
2011: Serve
2009: Joy


  1. Sounds like a great way to spend the year! :-) I've never adopted a word, but this year I plan to read about grace. I'm looking forward to it!

  2. This looks familiar: this word Abide. I love your hearing heart and how you apply what you're learning. I have spent time reading Abide In Christ by Andrew Murray this year and have loved it. I have an older version and, though it is a 30-day devotional, it takes me much longer to read through it because I have to chew on the meat of what he is saying.


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One of my goals this year has been to diversify my reading. As I've spent the last 17 years homeschooling anywhere from 1-4 kids, I woul...