There has been a flurry of excitement on my guest map. (For directions, go right, then down and you'll spot it!) :-) Both Cheryl and Cheri have recently made there mark there and their sites are both worth a visit in my opinion. :-)
Comment responses here: Thanks for the comments on our sweet girl. :-) MissBev - I'm sooooo behind on scrapbooking it's not even funny. I should be working on it extra with Travis out of town, but it hasn't happened. And, of course I'm going to post pictures from the Grand Canyon! I have the camera bug bad - it's genetic.
Random list of happenings 'round here...
~Yesterday was wild around here. We had the air conditioning folks out to look at our unit for a fall check up and it looks like the whole system is need of a fairly imminent replacement. A manager from the company just left after giving me a quote or two to discuss with Travis. Who knew a/c units were so expensive? Actually, it's the heater part of it that is need of fixing so we have a little time before a decision has to be made, but it's looming out there...
~Took my car to get emission tested so I can renew my license plates and my little car failed. :-( So I'm trying to coordinate a ride to the auto shop tomorrow with my sister so it can get looked at and hopefully fixed. One positive is that with Travis still in Houston, I do have the other car here available for me to drive and don't have to worry about taking him to and fro from work.
~I'm trying to get my ducks in a row for the wedding shower that I am helping with tonight. All my attempts to track down my babysitter have been futile, so I finally had to resort to calling her mother to see if she was still on for tonight. The good news - she is. The bad news - she doesn't have transportation so I have to get her and figure out how to get her home.
~I made Noelle french toast this morning and she loved it! :-) I put just the tiniest dab of syrup on it - just enough for her to taste the sweetness and she devoured almost a piece and half all by herself! She is such a joy. The last two days have been kinda stressful and I've been so thankful her and how much fun she is in the midst of trying to figure out all this other stuff.
~Also is Noelle news, a woman from church that has a little girl about a year old than Noelle gave me two bags of clothes for N. on Sunday. This family has basically clothed Noelle since she was born. They don't want the clothes back (they are done having kids) and just want us to use and enjoy the clothes and pass them on if we don't need them any more. It has been such a blessing to me. Travis and I can literally count the number of outfits that we have personally bought for Noelle b/c it has been so few. I went through the clothes on Sunday to sort them by size and season and was once again completely blown away by their generosity. There were at least 7 pairs of shoes in there and a Land's End winter coat for our girl!
God is good to provide for our needs even when I don't ask or think about asking. I choose to stress about the money first before laying my need at His feet and see how He will work. What a tangible reminder of His goodness!
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