Saturday, September 24, 2011


A few pictures to sort of sum up this week of crazy. To recap, it started here.

Several nights of sleeping (or not) downstairs so we didn't wake everyone else with crazy fussing.

Resting boy.

A care package arrived from my Dad via Amazon that has helped get me through the week.

What I will be doing while taking care of sick boy. Thanks Dad/ @dasyas!

There has been a LOT of coffee. (My girls love to drink out of these Disney coffee mugs that I used to collect. I am kicking myself that I got rid of most of them before they were born).

Now that I have all these little girls, I am kicking myself that I didn't save more of my Disney coffee mugs.

Starting to feel a bit better ... it was now Thursday and we were FINALLY starting to perk up a bit.

We are feeling better!

We even got a little school done this week.

Can you find the sleeping baby in there under the puppy?

On Thursday, we needed to make a run for some fresh produce ... we were cleaned out at home ... and we all needed out of the house. Because Mama is wild and crazy, we had lunch at Sam's.

Out of the house for the first time in days ... SAMs never looked so good!

While there, I ran into my holiday nemesis peanut brittle. It did not come home with me, thankfully.

My holiday nemesis! Ack!

And then, we were back at the dr's office for another check of the boy. (At this point, we had visited our wonderful pediatrician's office five times in as many days). The boy, while markedly improved on his croup and stridor, has a double ear infection and pinkeye. Apparently it is very normal for that to follow croup. So glad we are normal. : )

Back at our home away from home this week

The boy's bucket o' drugs and my notes for when he took which medicine. One three times a day, one once a day, one twice a day, plus the Motrin and whatever else as well as keep track of what his fever was. And eventually keeping track of B and N1's fever because they succumbed to the germ, although for them it has only turned into bad colds.

The boy's bucket o' drugs.

And that, my friends, has been our week.

  life rearranged


  1. Hope your son gets better soon. Stopping by from life rearrange.



  2. Well it sure is nice to see that happy smile on Thursday. You got a lot done considering all you had on your plate this week! Hope all the germs leave vey soon!

  3. Oh, so sorry for croup! Scary. We ended up In the ER last winter with stridor---scary!!

  4. Sooo sorry about the long week with the boy!! Glad to see that he is getting better. And my oldest was drooling over the complete saga in the store today. How sweet of your dad to send a care package, especially with the week he has had!! Grace & peace to you.

  5. Snicker. Loving you how exhibit your own brand of wild and crazy. ;D hahaha! (SOoOoooo glad that your little fella is feeling better!)


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