Outside my window...we had so much rain last week – it was wonderful. We’re now back to our hot summer days, though not as hot as it was a few weeks ago. Trying to embrace the heat of summer and not wish it away for cooler fall days.
I am thinking... that I’m ready for the sickies to move on from our house! We are moving into week three of rotating germs around here. T woke up this morning and, after being hardly able to swallow, went and got a strep test. Yes, it’s apparently the gift that keeps on giving at our house.
I am thankful... however, for our Target pharmacy and that our new Super Target carries a great assortment of popsicles to soothe a sore throat. The freezer is full.
In the kitchen... we’ve been eating several meals out of this
marinated pork loin recipe. It’s one of my favorites – it cooks in the crockpot and incredibly hard to mess up. : ) I was planning on making this
beef pepper steak tonight, but that probably isn’t something that will taste good to a sore throat. I make still make it and make him some soup.
I am wearing...white t-shirt and brown cotton sundress. Brown Old Navy flipflops to be added to the mix later.
I am creating...layouts in my PL album! I finished our big vacation week (posted
here), and finished another week yesterday. I’ve given myself a goal of writing 3-4 journaling cards a day until I’m caught up. I’m not going to probably make that today with all the ambitious errands we’ve got planned, but we’ll see.
I am going... orthodontist appointment #2 for the month for N1 today, then a few other errands before returning home. Today is hopefully our one big out of the house day for the week, barring a library run if we need one.
I am reading...
- The Magician's Nephew
with the girls (and T) in the evening
- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
. (Hangs head in shame). I mentioned that I reread the first book for N1 … then I reread the 2nd book … and now I’m reading a page here and there in the 3rd book. It’s slow going as I really don’t have much time for ANY reading, but I can’t help myself.
- My friend Amy (Hope is the Word) is hosting a read-along of The Core: Teaching Your Child the Foundations of Classical Education.
While I read this earlier this year, I am hoping to read along again with her. I’m re-reading chapter 1 right now along with her blog post for this week (which is up on her blog, but I haven’t allowed myself to read yet until I finish chapter 1). : )
- We also finished our school-day read-aloud that I mentioned here: A Nest for Celeste . Hope to share it on Thursday for Read-Aloud Thursday!
I am hoping...to get some time in my school room this weekend and do some planning. I’ve had some ideas percolating for the girls but finding the window to look up books at the library and make notes has been hard to come by of late.
I am looking forward to...barring any more sickness that shows up on our doorstep, a date with T on Saturday night while the girls are at a birthday party. Nothing exciting – no Avengers this time – just dinner, with time to catch-up, and maybe a trip to wander around the bookstore together. Sounds fabulous to me.
I am learning… or soon will be about prepping for Classical Conversations tutoring and putting our weeks together at home when that starts. Looking forward to sitting down with
this blog tonight and digging into her posts – she has a wealth of CC info!
Around the house...I have a school room that needs some work – we have been hard at it today making magnetic bookmarks and there are little pieces of paper e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e.
I am pondering...getting myself back into a good quiet time routine in the morning. Busy June got me off schedule and I need, need, need to get my morning routine reprioritized.
A-hem, note to self. Remember this?
A favorite quote for today... it’s too long to quote, but go here to
this post of Elizabeth Foss’ and move down to the section under “thinking and thinking". More good stuff from this seasoned mama.
One of my favorite things...buying birthday presents. My sister is having a birthday at the end of the week and I have something up my sleeve for her. Heeeee.
A few plans for the rest of the week…
- the oldest has her second appointment today for some orthodontic work.
- we have a summer women’s Bible study starting up this week (for 4 weeks only) and I’m hoping to go, barring anymore unexpected sickies popping up. I didn’t make it last week due to a hard/late working hubby. Probably won’t make it this week either with sickies, but am not giving up hope entirely yet.
- date night on Saturday!
Again, other than errands today, our week is looking fairly quiet.
A peek into my day...
One might think that I bought these for my nephew, or possibly for N1 as she works on parts of speech, but no. There are mine. : ) (Okay, I’ll probably share, but I’m going to do some of them, too!)
Visit Peggy at The Simple Woman to see more daybook entries.