Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

1. The girls and I have been thoroughly enjoying The Brady Bunch as we have time to watch an episode or two here and there. Some of the things that the kids say to each other are so dated. In a recent episode, Marsha and Greg called Bobby a "stinker" and Carol got all upset because she really didn't like that word!

2. I haven't done any kind of homeschooling update in some time, and I don't know that this will really be one, but I want to mention that we have REALLY enjoyed using some of these unit studies over the last several months. We have done Amanda Bennett's Autumn study (last fall), her Christmas one, and I just downloaded her Winter Olympic study which looks great. (I have her Easter one, but we haven't used it yet). On this page, you can see some of the upcoming ones that she has set to publish over the next 4-5 months ... some that I have my eye on: George Washington and Spring Surprises. Some of the things that I love about these:

  • they are downloadable so I can use them over and over.
  • they are geared for a broad age group. Noelle and I barely scratched the surface of the Christmas unit this year, so we'll probably pull it out again in a year or two and there will be stuff that we can add in with her, and I can do the basics with Natalie.
  • they can be supplemented with lots of reading aloud and stretched or shortened to cover any time period ... and I feel like I can do as much or as little as I want.

Anyway, they might be worth a look for any homeschoolers out there.

3. This blog post on February burnout for homeschoolers is going in my notebook to refer to over and over.

4. We are doing the infamous carnation and food-dye experiment that, I think, is a requirement for every child at some point, is it not? : )

5. This week is cah-razy. Way too many things on the schedule, but they are all good. Our last few weeks have been mostly empty, so I'm not dreading this week as much as I could be, thankfully. On the agenda, two homeschool field trips, one tae qwon do class (Noelle is visiting a friend's class), one girl scout leader's meeting, one Bible study, one night of Awana, one dr. appointment, one birthday party for our almost 4-year-old, and one birthday day!

6. I managed to get 4 pages scrapbooked last week. I don't know when the last time, I've gotten that many done at once.

7. I have to admit grilling food is not my strong suit at all, but I managed to rock a chicken marinade last night for dinner. (Which we then threw over a southwest chicken salad). Lots of worchestershire, garlic powder, Lawry's seasoning salt, and some barbeque seasoning. Yum. Hoping I can duplicate that again because everyone loved it, including the picky eater.

8. The final season of Lost starts in one week. Do you watch it? I am always on the edge of my seat and nervous, but I love the mystery of the show.

9. My sister is on her way to pick up her kids from me right. now. and bringing me a Route 44 Diet Coke from Sonic. That's the best kind of sister.

10. I have crazy girls. : )



  1. Thanks for the home school links. You always find the best stuff!! I'm going right now to take a look.

  2. So glad that you all enjoyed the Autumn Treasures and Christmas Unit Studies! I love your blog and all that you share - keep writing!
    Amanda Bennett

  3. I've never used or even seen those unit studies, so I'm definitely going to look into them!

  4. We have tried the carnation experiment -- more than once & it hasn't really worked (or the celery or a bread preservative one, too). Have I ever said that science isn't my strong point? But I like it okay!

    I might check out that Olympics unit study -- because we definitely will be watching...good to officially tie some more schooling in with that.

  5. I have a similar marinade - bbq sauce, worcestershire, and italian dressing that does WONDERS for steak. You ought to try it

  6. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Those are great homeschool links! Thanks for sharing them!


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One of my goals this year has been to diversify my reading. As I've spent the last 17 years homeschooling anywhere from 1-4 kids, I woul...