Friday, April 01, 2011

Celebrating April Fool's with Reading to Know!

My friend Carrie is anxiously (and I do mean anxiously) awaiting the arrival of her third baby! To make the time pass more quickly she is having a whole slew of giveaways today on her blog, Reading to Know! Her blog is a favorite of mine as we are very like-minded in our reading.

Carrie ... praying that Bookworm3 makes her arrival very, very soon, if not today!!

1 comment:

  1. Ok any day BUT today. I don't want an April Fool's baby. I told Jonathan that if anything should happen today, he must help me fight against their taking her out until 12:01 a.m. tomorrow. ;D haha! Today is the only day in April that I will be thoroughly content to wait. (Plus, we're having friends over to watch Tangled tonight and we've all been looking forward to that!) ;) BUT! AFTER today!? COME ON OUT, BABY!

    Hope you have fun today! =)


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One of my goals this year has been to diversify my reading. As I've spent the last 17 years homeschooling anywhere from 1-4 kids, I woul...