Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Works for Me Wednesday, 7/12

Hosted by Shannon at Rocks in My Dryer

Please don't hate me. I'm going to throw out a WFMW that relates to scrapbooking. :-) This is not a suggestion meant to overwhelm you or freak anyone out ... just a way to save a few memories along the way. And, trust me, it's EASY. :-) When I had my first daughter I wanted to make sure that I would remember certain things spoken - the first word, each funny mispronounciation, that she said. So I created a little notebook just for that purpose. It's called "Noteable Noelle" and I periodically update this as the spirit leads. :-)

Sorry this is fuzzy...

Whenever N1 says something that I want to remember, I jot it down on a post-it note, and stick it in my planner. Then, when I have a moment to scrapbook, I can pull out my post-it(s), and make a page. This is what each page looks like - a photo on the top (generally just a random pic) and then a block of text I have typed on my computer. I decided to use the computer for this little album and have a WordPerfect document saved with my text box already sized correctly, and the font selected. All I have to do is pull up the file, fill in the box, print, and cut out the square to paste in my album.


Totally simple. But, you could do this with ANY notebook, with or without pictures, or even your blog ... what I think is important is remembering. And not just so that you can say down the road, "I wrote down every cute thing that my child ever said and documented it perfectly with just the right embellishments ..." because I can't say that either. :-) But I want to remember how she used to call her juice "Foo" and Cinderella was "Qwella" or anything that she can twirl in is referred to as a "dancin' dress" (or "dancin' jammies" if they are for nighttime wear). :-) This is easy and works for me!


  1. that is cute! I love the idea but am behind the times a little bit....

  2. They grow so fast and stop saying things the "cute" way they used to - capturing those moments is so important. Great idea!

  3. Anonymous5:18 PM

    This a really doable idea and I love it! Thanks.


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