Friday, July 13, 2007

Friday Felicities - 7.13

Things that make you happy ...
~ that the most horrendous trip to Walmart ever in the history of mankind with three girls is over
~ that no one was injured other than the small chunk of hair that N2 tore from N1's head
~ that the big girls are going to Grandma's tonight to spend the night
~ that I have a fun dinner planned for me and the husband (fun dinner = food that is not kid friendly)
~ that there is the possibility that we will go and wander around the bookstore together with baby E
~ that diet coke might be drunk at some point later today
~ that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet


  1. Love the first one! Hope ya'll had a great date night!

  2. are the girl walmart trips as bad as boy ones?? :))

    loved this funny!!


  3. This sounds like one of my days! Also, Stu and I like to wander around the bookstore on our dates, too--when we get them?


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