Tuesday, December 21, 2010

December Daily, Days 11 & 12


If you click to read the journaling for Sunday, the 12th, you will see that the day did not go as planned. Especially for Noelle. She's now on antibiotics for strep (and no longer contagious - yay!) and Natalie seems to be over a stomach bug. We washed LOTS of sheets last week.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I am soooooo sorry about the illness hitting your home at Christmastime and during the long-awaited Christmas program! How awful!

    Praise the Lord for washing machines & dryers!! Can you imagine dealing with all that back in the day?

    Hopefully it will be all gone for the actual days of Christmas and some important event that's coming up. (hint, hint).

    Hugs to you & lots of chicken noodle soup. You're probably all on the mend-- just realized that there is a delay of when this hit & when you posted. But my heart goes to you either way. Hang in there, friend.


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