Monday, April 30, 2007

Last Week and a Little DeLurking!

I know the real "delurking" week was back in January or something, but with the baby coming THIS WEEK, I'm going to hold a special week of delurking here at Olive Tree. I'm pretty sure I did this right before I had N2, so why not make it a tradition. :-) While I am aware of some of you who read here, I know there are lurkers ... and with a forthcoming announcement of a new baby, I'm just curious to know who will be stalking checking in for any details. I'll remind you all over the course of the week, so when you get a chance, please leave me a comment ... it doesn't have to be fancy - "hi!" is perfectly fine. I won't even make you guess how big you think the baby is going to be. :-) Much thanks!


In other news, I think I got a grand total of one and half hours of sleep last night. N1 had a little stomach bug that surfaced about 11 p.m. ... Travis did bed duty (stripping sheets and getting it ready for her to go back down) while I comforted her, got her into dry jammies and administered a little watered down apple juice. Poor girl gets COMPLETELY freaked out when she wakes up suddenly and is sick like that. Not that I blame her at all, but it does take a while to calm her down. By then I was burning up hot and could not get cooled down enough to fall asleep so I tried watching a little TV ... that didn't work great, but I started getting sleepy sometime after 2 a.m. Then I was rallied by the sound of crying from N2 ... she had gotten sick as well so this time I got her cleaned up and put her bed with Travis while I restored some order to her crib. Then she was WIDE awake and apparently happy that her stomach had been cleared of whatever was bugging her because she just wanted to play and talk until about 4:30! Oh, well! :-) In the midst of all this, I did get a couple loads of laundry done so that the girls would at least wake up to their favorite blankies clean and free of ick.

I'm very thankful that we have a low-key day around here ... the agenda includes more laundry, a trip to the bank and that's about it. I've also got to finish laying out what I want to pack in my hospital bag and I need to check our baby car seat and bouncy seat (which have been stored in the garage) and see how dusty they are and if they need serious cleaning. I don't think they'll be in too bad of shape ... I mean, we JUST put them out there a few months ago! Crazy. :-)


  1. Anonymous10:03 AM

    I am SOOOOOOOOOO stalking this blog for baby updates
    but you knew that--so I'm not too worried.

  2. I'm a stalker too! ;)

  3. you know I'm here. every day.

  4. I'm here! I'm here! Waiting to hear that baby is here....also praying that the stomach issues stay contained to the "N's"

  5. Anonymous4:12 PM

    I'm here too!

  6. I've been reading your blog (and admiring your creativity!) since this past summer. I found you through One Weigh or Another, where I also lurk!

    I'm praying that you have a smooth delivery and a healthy baby!

  7. I've been reading :D

  8. I'm glad you had a low-key day after a night like that! I hope the delivery goes smoothly!

  9. I'm checking here and WAH for updates religiously... or maybe I should say obsessively....

    Can't wait to meet little elizabeth! Hannah will want to smother her with kisses. I'm sure her big sisters will, too!

  10. I'm here, and waiting eagerly for news. Love to all :-)

  11. I'm here for my daily fix.

  12. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Hi Stephanie,
    I have been stopping by to read. Keeping you in my prayers.

  13. Of course I've been checking for updates! I can't wait to see the newest addition. I'm selfish that way! Hope everyone feels better and Momma got a bit more sleep!

  14. You know, I'd been reading your blogspot updates on xanga, but I've bloglined you now with herdofsteph...and I'm SO ready to find the announcement of la be'be'!!


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One of my goals this year has been to diversify my reading. As I've spent the last 17 years homeschooling anywhere from 1-4 kids, I woul...