Tuesday, July 31, 2007
18 Months
So, I was going to do a sweet and heartfelt post about how my middle baby turned 18 months old yesterday. Complete with a cute picture of her, funny things that she says, and maybe a list of her favorite things.
However, this tragedy happened:
And gues who was the little culprit.
The fact that she uses the dog as a step-stool - entirely her own idea I might add - does nothing to soften my heart.
Happy one-and-a-half years, baby girl! : )
Monday, July 30, 2007
Crazy, Crazy
- That's what our schedule is like.
- It's really nuts.
- Let me tell you about it. (I'm so glad you asked.) : )
- Tomorrow night I have a baby shower to attend.
- Wednesday night is the last session in the women's Philippians study that I've been doing this summer.
- Oh, and I need to make a snack for that.
- And I'm keeping my neice and nephew on Wednesday.
- Thursday, my husband has music team rehearsal.
- Friday, we celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary.
- In celebration of that, I'm going to try and do two marriage memes this week.
- One is compliments of a tag from Stephanie!
- I'm singing special music at church on Sunday.
- Must find time to practice...
- So really, it's just this week that is uber-crazy.
- But the next several weekends ... oy vey.
- Next week, N1 has been invited to a birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese.
- Sometimes she calls it "Chucky Jesus." :giggle, without being sacriligious:
- Then I'm going to be up to my eyeballs in a baby shower that I'm helping throw in a couple weeks.
- Other major events coming up: a kindred-spirit's/best friend's 40th party which I and another friend are helping with.
- A girls' weekend trip to Gatlinburg with only one little one in tow!
- A 4th birthday celebration for the oldest!
- Not to mention regular things like housework, plaing with munchkins, and so on.
- Life is good.
- Busy, but good.
Menu Plan Monday - 7.30
Monday: Sweet & Tangy Chicken (crockpot) served with rice, green beans
Tuesday: Beef or Chicken Quesadillas, fruit
Wednesday: Chili Chicken Strips, corn...
Thursday: Breakfast dinner - eggs, biscuits, fruit
Friday: pizza
Saturday: pork kebabs with pineaple and rice
Head over to Org Junkie's for more inspiring menus!
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Yet Another
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Pick me!!
Along with a ton of other features - you can read all about them over at Best Buy - this model is equipped with a V-Chip for parent control and is Energy Star compliant. And - for extra fun - the TV can double as a PC monitor so that you can download and watch HD movies. (Cool!!)
Friday, July 27, 2007
Friday Felicities - 7.27
~ a husband that brings me a Sonic diet coke before going to work
~ trips to the zoo
~ giraffes, freaky awkward looking creatures that make me smile
~ "wet like an egg" kinda hot*
~ making fun things with paper and glue
~ a new-to-me sewing machine!
~ celebrating five years with my husband one week from today
~ learning about having the mindset of Christ and desiring that for myself
*A quote from yesterday's trip to the zoo, where it was very, very, VERY hot:
N1: Mama, I'm like an egg.
Mama: Okay. How are you like an egg?
N1: I'm all wet.
She cracks. me. up. (I'm guessing she is remembering to when she and I made cookies last week and we managed to drop an egg on the floor - there was "wet" everywhere!) Whatever it was, I laughed. : )
Dog Days Winner!!
A couple questions were asked in the comments through the week about my prizes so hopefully this will catch everyone that asked ... if not, leave me a note or email me.
~ if you don't win and would still like a set of personalized notepads for your family, the price for these is $12. That gets you two (2) 50 sheet notepads, 8.5 x 5.5 size. Shipping (priority mail) is additional. If you are interested in having some made for your family, leave me a comment WITH AN EMAIL and I'll be happy to make you some.
~ I had a couple questions about the altered binder. While I would love to make these for sale and custom make them, I'm afraid I would be setting myself up (and others) for disappointment if I do that right now. (Three littles, three and under ... I know you understand!) However, I will occasionally premake them and post a picture here and they will be available on a first-come basis. And for those of you that are crafty and want to try this on your own, the instructions I used are here. So bookmark me, because you may see them turn up occasionally. : )
~ Lastly, someone asked me where I found the binder size that I used (8.5 x 5.5). This particular binder I bought at Walmart, but I know you can also find them at Office Depot and Staples.
And now, the winners! And a photo-documentary of the judging!
First, the entries!
The assistant! (Please disregard the doghair on the floor ... we have two siberian huskies that are summer-time shedding and since 3/5ths of the house is still asleep, I haven't done the morning vacuum run yet). : )
And, the moment you've all been waiting for ... the winner of the notepad is PlaidHearts/Dawn!!
And, the winner of the binder was PastorMac's Ann!
Congratulations, ladies! I'll be sending you an email, but if you see this before I get to it (kids wanting breakfast and all) shoot me an email!
And, always, thanks to Shannon for hosting this fun giveaway!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
11 Weeks Old
11 Weeks Old
Originally uploaded by stephaniedshepherd
So, who looks like who? They are all approximately 11 weeks in these pictures and I'm not sure I see much resemblance anywhere!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Five Questions
1. What is your favorite holiday?
Christmas, and even more now that I'm a Mama. : ) The excitement of putting up the tree, wrapping presents, designing and addressing Christmas cards for friends and family, Christmas Eve service at church, the carols, and the Christmas story ... I love it all. This year I'm looking forward to doing an Advent calendar for the first time with my girls ... N1 will be four and is already asking when we're going to put up the Christmas tree.
2. What are your strengths as a mom?
Wow. Tough question. Probably my organization and creativity in organizing ... fitting five people (happily) in a two bedroom/one bath can be tricky at times. I think I'm pretty good at being "in tune" with the little signals the girls give off ... it doesn't take me long to pick up that they aren't feeling 100% or one is about to cut a tooth. And, I think I'm willing to change. If I find that one of the girls is having problems in a certain area (i.e., right now it's N2 and afternoon naps), I experiment with new schedules for a few days or week to try and figure out what's going on with her and what I can do to help her. Note: this doesn't mean I like change necessarily, but I do like trying new things and this helps me be flexible. Clear. As. Mud. : )
3. Do you have a favorite Bible verse?
My blog is titled after my favorite Scripture. Psalm 52.8-9 reads:
But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God's unfailing love for ever and ever. I will praise you forever for what you have done; in your name I will hope, for your name is good. I will praise you in the presence of your saints.
I discovered this verse while doing Beth Moore's study on David, A Heart Like His (and personally, my favorite study of her's ever). Not long after that I went through a very, very rough time of depression and about wore this verse out meditating on it.
I'm going to cheat and mention one other verse(s) that are near and dear to me. Lamentations 3.23-26 & 32 reads:
Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
I say to myself, "The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him."
The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD.
Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
I say to myself, "The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him."
The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD.
Though he brings grief, he will show compassion, so great is his unfailing love.
Once again, these verses have walked alongside me through a recent difficult season. They are exceptionally special to me. : )
4. What is your favorite place to go for a date night?
We don't get lots of date nights, so I'm very easy to please. (At least I think I am). : ) I love it when we go to a bookstore and wander around drinking coffee. Dinner out is always fun - time to talk without having to also feed small people at the same time is a luxury round these parts. (Not to mention the perk of not having to wash the dishes and free drink refills).
5. What do you picture yourself doing 10 years from now?
Let's see ... N1 will be a teen (yikes!) and E and N2 will be 9 and 10, respectively. I would love to have had a few more little ones, but in all likelihood I would be completely out of the diaper phase by then. Hard to imagine. : ) Best guess, I will probably be homeschooling some of my girls and possibly be preparing others to enter public school as middle school students. Another possibility, if my husband ever chooses to enter seminary full-time, might see us moving. Who knows? But it's exciting to think about!
Want to play along? Leave me a comment (and your email) and I'll send you some questions to answer. Thanks Lauren! This was fun. : )
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Goodness Gracious
Whew. I'm tired thinking about it.
Today's agenda ... a little of this and that around the house, some church work that HAS TO get done today, and some planning for the next couple months. But now, time for some time in the Scriptures before I kick it all off (or as best as I will be able to do with two little girls who decided to get up at 5:45 a.m. this morning!)
Monday, July 23, 2007
Dog Days of Summer Bloggy Giveaway - It's Here!
Happy Monday! If you are new to my blog (here via the Bloggy Giveaway hosted by Shannon at Rocks in My Dryer), welcome. : ) I'm Stephanie, stay-at-home-mama of three girls, child of King ... oh, and I like to make things! : ) In what little spare time I have, I enjoy creating invitations, notepads, notecards, and scrapbook. I love me some paper and pens.
So, without further ado, the goodies. : )
I've got two goodies to give away this week. The first is a personalized notepad for you and your family. You can see a sample here:
It is 8.5 x 5.5 and can be lined or unlined (50 sheets per pad). We'll personalize it with your family name at the top ... the bottom will have your husband, you, and then children. (If you are single and win this post, we'll talk and can fix you up as well). : ) I love making these for friends ... they work well for thank you notes or notes to your child's teacher at school. You can see some more samples of these (and other projects I've done) at my Punkin' Press website if you are interested.
Second, I'm giving away an altered binder! I made one of these a few weeks ago and it was so fun I'm giving one away. Size is 8.5 x 5.5 and you can use it for all sorts of fun things. (This is my favorite size of notebook and paper).
You can click any of these pictures/graphics to see them larger in Flickr.
Now the important stuff.
Leave me a comment by Thursday night, July 26 at midnight (CST) and let me know if you want to be entered into a drawing for the binder, the notepad or both. (Just a note, I'll be able to ship the notepads internationally, but not the binder). Anonymous comments will not be entered so please leave an email address.
Happy commenting! I look forward to travelling around to others' blogs and seeing the other goodies that are up for give-aways this week. And, feel free to look around here. I'd love to have you visit.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Originally uploaded by stephaniedshepherd
The story behind the photo ... a typical Saturday morning at our home. The girls are munching on dry cereal while playing in our big room. N2 takes it to a new level of protecting her food from our dog by eating it in a bucket. Makes me laugh. : )
Friday, July 20, 2007
Friday Felicities - 7.20
~ a trip to Dollar Tree
~ watching my oldest pick out a gift for her aunt all buy herself
~ picking the black jelly beans out of the bag that I bought N1
~ our first childless outing tomorrow with my sister and brother-in-law to see a movie
~ a conversation with a friend this evening
~ babies that fall asleep on your shoulder
~ little girls that like to dance and dance and dance
A Little Peek
A Little Peek
Originally uploaded by stephaniedshepherd
Something crafty that will be part of the bloggy dog days giveaway happening next week!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Naptime Toes
Naptime Toes
Originally uploaded by stephaniedshepherd
N2 likes to rest her feet on her crib bars when she is napping ... she has the best little pudgy toes. : )
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Honor Your Husband - the Wrap Up
This challenge has been a great thing for me. It's forced me to look at some things that I have been frustrated with for a looooong time. And surprisingly, guess who needs to make some changes? : )
I started off the challenge with some typical wifely goals (and, please don't hear this as bad because they were/areas that I need to work on):
But over the course of the challenge, my posts and my heart took a different turn. (You can see weeks two and three here.) It was starting to get a little personal (yikes!) : ) Not as much of just greeting him with a smile on my face, but working on some attitude adjusting so that the smile and joy of serving him came from my heart.
My post from last week seemed to be the pinnacle of where the Lord was steering me during this challenge. To focus more on Him and out of that will come a better love for my husband and a great desire to serve him as I am supposed to as a Godly wife. I'm even developing a desire to get up early before the rest of my household for a few stolen minutes in the Scriptures! This is totally new for me and just a little bit exciting! : ) Right now, I'm just enjoying time in my Bible, reading a few chapters and maybe picking out a verse that strikes me to think about during the day. However, I am going to start adding some time for prayer ... real sit-down prayer as opposed to the quickies I send up during the day as things come to mind. I'm excited to see where the Lord is going to lead me during this time, and how this will start to change me, my attitude, and my marriage! My "morning meeting" has become the most important part of my day, and I can truly say that I miss it when I oversleep or a child-issue prevents it from happening.
Wow, this marriage challenge sure did a 360-degree turn! Instead of just making some surface changes (and maybe some husband-changes) I am being changed from inside out. It's it amazing how God works? : )
Thank you to Christine at Fruit in Season for hosting this!
I have been so moved by this new morning time that I am having ... it's nothing earth shattering, but finally taking the time to make a quiet time with the Lord a priority has been nothing short of amazing. With that, I'm throwing out the idea of a way to be accountable to keep up with my morning meeting with the Lord. I'm going to post an update every couple of weeks on how I'm doing, what I've been reading, etc., and if any are interested in participating in this with me, I would love it. I've even (because I'm slightly geeky that way) made a graphic (or two or three) that anyone who wants to participate in could post on their blog. Thoughts? I'll probably be doing this whether or not anyone else does, but I would love the company if you need the accoutability and encouragement in this area from others. : )
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
4 Things
Four jobs I’ve held:
1. Dishwasher at college (work study program)
2. Paralegal/Legal Assistant
3. School secretary/school nurse
4. Church Administrator/Music Coordinator
Four movies I can watch over and over again:
1. Star Wars : )
2. Sense & Sensibility
3. You've Got Mail
4. National Treasure
Four places I have lived:
1. Oklahoma City, OK
2. Dallas, TX
3. Calgary, Alberta, Canada
4. Ft. Smith, AR
Four tv shows I watch:
I really don't watch any TV other than on DVD, so I'm going to list my favorite TV/DVDs that we have liked enough to purchase! : )
1. West Wing
2. The Cosby Show
3. Alias
4. X-Files
I know ... quite an odd assortment of favorites, but that's me. : )
Four places I’ve been on vacation:
1. Yellowstone
2. Gatlinburg/Smokey Mtns
3. Colorado/Rocky Mtns
4. Lake Erie
Four of my favorite foods:
1. popcorn
2. nachos
3. huge salads (especially southwestern ones)
4. diet coke : )
Four websites I visit:
1. Women at Home
2. Flickr
3. Amazon.com
4. My library
Tag 4 people:
I can't remember who I've seen do this one and who hasn't so let me know if you do it. : )
Bloggy Giveaway
Shannon @ Rocks in My Dryer is hosting the great bloggy giveaway next week! Check back here for a chance to win at least one (maybe two if I get busy) Punkin' Press goodies.
You can click the graphic in my sidebar for more info on how to enter to win and/or participate with a giveaway of your own. Thanks Shannon for hosting this! : )
Monday, July 16, 2007
Menu Plan Monday - 7.16
Monday: breakfast cassarole, fruit salad
Tuesday: tex mex macaroni surprise, grean beans
Wednesday: meatloaf, mashed potatoes, baby carrots
Thursday: wild rice & chicken cassarole, peas, salad
Friday: pizza
Saturday: leftovers or taco skillet if I need a back-up meal
Hosted by Org Junkie ... head over if you need more weekly inspiration!
Friday, July 13, 2007
Friday Felicities - 7.13
~ that the most horrendous trip to Walmart ever in the history of mankind with three girls is over
~ that no one was injured other than the small chunk of hair that N2 tore from N1's head
~ that the big girls are going to Grandma's tonight to spend the night
~ that I have a fun dinner planned for me and the husband (fun dinner = food that is not kid friendly)
~ that there is the possibility that we will go and wander around the bookstore together with baby E
~ that diet coke might be drunk at some point later today
~ that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet
Honor Your Husband - Week 4
Lately I've been working on something ... getting up for some quiet time in the morning before the rest of the house is awake. I set my watch alarm and the coffee maker for 6:00 a.m. and when they go off, I creep out of bed - trying my best not to disturb the baby in the moses basket next to our bed, or the girls in the room next door. I make a cup of coffee, adding whatever new flavor of cream that I'm trying out, and come out to my desk in our family room. I lay my Bible open across the desk and try and figure out where I left off yesterday. How handy my little read-through-the-Bible-in-a-year bookmarks are. : )
This is hard for me. I've struggled for years with setting aside time to read my Bible and study ... there are more "exciting" things to read, or I want to have the "perfect time" - no disturbances, hot coffee, maybe a cute coffee shop where I can journal and be uninterrupted by children for a couple hours.
That's not my reality. : ) And that's okay. However, putting off time invested in my relationship with the Lord is only going to be more and more detrimental in the long run. Whether I get a whole hour alone in the morning, or I end up reading my Bible while feeding my 10 week old, I just need to do it.
Now, why am I writing about this when this is supposed to be my Honor Your Husband post for the week? This is something that I've been thinking on for a couple of weeks now ... how can I be the best wife for my husband, one who puts God first and serves her family out of that relationship if it's only a casual Sunday-morning relationship at best? I am honoring my husband by making time with God a new focus and priority. It is changing my attitude and my heart about serving my husband - when I submit my sinful self to the Lord, I'm seeing a difference in how I choose to submit to my husband (and with what kind of attitude). : )
Head over to Christine's at Fruit in Season for more HYH posts and encouragement.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
In response...
I'm not ignoring you! : ) I've been swamped with life and girls and LAUNDRY. : ) Let me do some thinking and I'll let you know if I think I could do them and for how much.
Thanks for asking!
Honor Your Husband post hopefully to come sometime before this week is over!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Another fun project
I got frustrated with never having enough room for all the info I wanted to list in my address book ... lines to short for email addresses, not enough phone lines (because everyone has a home phone, cell phone, work phone, etc.) and on and on ... so I made my own. Font is CK Marissa, one of my favorites.
You can click each photo to see larger in Flickr.
Monday, July 09, 2007
Menu Plan Monday - 7.9
Monday: mac & cheese for the kiddos (and Travis, he loves it); I'm supposed to have a girls' night out with friends
Tuesday: lasagna, salad
Wednesday: chicken stir fry, made with whatever miscellaneous veggies I can find in the freezer
Thursday: spaghetti, some veggie
Friday: pizza night
Saturday: I have no idea ... I'll go grocery shopping Thursday or Friday and restock then. :-)
Creative Questions...
Lauren asked about the photo of the girls and how I did the photo effect. Let's just start with the fact that I am no digital photography expert. I am, however, and expert in clicking something in my photo program to try and then hitting undo if it doesn't look good. :-) That said, I use Adobe Photoshop Elements to play/correct/mess with my photos. Using that program I opened the picture up and first changed the picture color to sepia. Then I searched around in the different pre-made frame options in the program and picked a "rough masks" so the edged look all swishy and messy.
Lu asked about ideas ... I find them all over the place, but here are some of my recent favorites:
- Rebecca Cooper's book: Real.Life.Scrapbooking. It is excellent. She's a stay-at-home-mom who just wants to encourage folks with limited budget, time and energy to keep scrapbooking. Her pages are simple and beautiful. My layout of the girls was my own creation, but I have to say that I tried to pattern just the simplicity of her layouts.
- The inspiration for the baby announcement also was from Rebecca Cooper (she's a favorite blogger and scrapper of mine, can you tell?) :-) I tried to find her original announcement on her blog, but struck out or I'd post a link to her original creation. Then I just copied the same style for the baby shower invitation that I was working on, changing the style and text.
- For cards and invitations that I make for others, I get a lot of ideas from this magazine: Paper Crafts. I tend to simplify a LOT of their project because I just don't have the supplies that their designers have, and the friends that I design stuff for usually can't afford to pay what it would cost me in just supplies to make some of them. However, it is GREAT for inspiration.
That's just a start. Maybe I'll post more inspiration links in the future. Right now, it's time for some lunch round these parts. :-)
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Creative Saturday
Friday, July 06, 2007
Friday Felicities - July 6
- fresh raspberries
- food, hot from the grill
- healthy babies (2 month appt. yesterday: 11 lbs., 14.8 oz.; 23 inches long -75% all the way around)
- making plans for some preschool fun with N1 for this fall
- learning things about myself
- a new recipe (posted below)
- Back to the Future - what a trip down memory lane watching those movies!
- fireworks from the back of a pickup
- uninterrupted sleep
Chicken Pepper Pasta
4 tablespoons butter
1 medium onion, cut into thin wedges
1 medium red bell pepper, cut into strips
1 medium yellow bell pepper, cut into strips
1 teaspoon finely chopped fresh garlic
1-1/2 cups cooked chicken (from freezer), thawed and chopped or cut into strips
1 tsp dried tarragon leaves
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon coarsely ground pepper
8 ounces uncooked dried vermicelli (extra thin spaghetti)
1 cup Mozzarella Cheese, shredded
1/2 cup shredded Parmesan cheese (found bagged in the dairy section)
3/4 cup half & half
Prepare vermicelli according to directions and drain in a colander in the sink. Melt butter in large skillet and add onion, bell peppers, and garlic. Cook on medium high until vegetables are tendercrisp. Remove vegetables from pan and add chicken, tarragon, salt, and pepper. Cook until chicken is hot. Add vegetables, mozzarella, half and half, and Parmesan cheese to chicken. Reduce heat and cook on low until cheese is melted. Rinse vermicelli in hot water until noodles are warm. Add vermicelli to pan and toss gently. Serve warm.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Honor Your Husband - Week 3
Not that I speak from want for I have learned to be content in whatever
circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also
know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned
the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and
suffering need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens
And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches
in glory in Christ Jesus.Philippians 4.11-13, 19
Timely, eh? More to work on in this area, most definitely.
My goals last week were:
- to continue to think before I speak.
- something practical ... remember to fill the coffee pot and set the timer EVERY NIGHT for a week so that I'm not doing it in the morning and there is hot coffee ready for Travis to take to work. (Yeah on this one!)
- have a good attitude this week as I have a lot of evening kid duty by myself this week. Travis and our oldest are doing VBS this week, and so I'll have the two littles all by myself every evening and then a hyper/exhausted/filthy 3.5 year old to wind down when they get home. (Did pretty good on this one...)
- read my Created to Be His Helpmeet book and study verses on contentment. (Um, not so good here ... but then again, I haven't read much of anything in the last week so it's not that I put it aside for something entertaining. Will work on this this week.)
And my new challenge (just adding one):
- Work on improving my mind (and memory) so that I can have intelligent conversations with my husband.
I hope I'm not the only one who struggles with this one. I feel like I spend so much of my time immersed in diapers, bottles and the like, that when my husband asks me a question about how his Sunday School lesson for the youth went, I can't even remember what he talked about ... and I was sitting there the whole time! I need to be better about (1) paying attention and also (2) stretching my mind and growing in other areas besides that of playmate and chief diaper changer. Please hear me, not that those areas aren't important, but they so are, but as a wife, I think part of my responsibility is to also be an intelligent conversationalist with my husband and right now I'm not. :-) I want him to come to me when he has big thoughts to think and discuss and not find better conversation opportunities elsewhere. Know what I mean?
For more on this, visit Christine (our gracious host) at Fruit in Season.
Monday, July 02, 2007
Menu Plan Monday - July 2
Monday: turkey burgers, broccoli w/ parmesan, fries
Tuesday: stirfry chicken and veggies
Wednesday: steak, baked potatoes, roasted squash
Thursday: leftovers
Friday: pizza
Saturday: chicken enchilada casserole (crockpot), salad
Visit Org Junkie for more menus!
One of my goals this year has been to diversify my reading. As I've spent the last 17 years homeschooling anywhere from 1-4 kids, I woul...
Welcome and happy Monday! If you are new to my blog (here via the Bloggy Giveaway hosted by Shannon at Rocks in My Dryer ), welcome. : ) I...
This week, Hope is the Word and I are both blogging about our recent chapter book read-aloud that we have finished with our girls. Tumtum ...