Thursday, February 12, 2009

Notes ::: Bulleted

  • The weather today is beautiful. Slightly on the chilly side, but when I was sitting outside while the girls played, I actually got pretty hot in the sunshine.
  • I am making a big batch of beans today. I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to do with them, but somehow, they will end up in tonight's dinner. This recipe is a distinct possibility, substituting polish keilbasa for the hamburger meat.
  • My husband completely rearranged the kitchen on Sunday afternoon. Well, not all of it. But a bunch of it. And it looks so much better! This is the before:


And, the after:

February 8, 2009(b)

So much more room and light!

  • I have a cold. Bah. That's all I have to say about that.
  • The girls and I finished our lunchtime read-aloud - Winnie-the-Pooh - yesterday. I'm trying to decide what we should do next. N1 is pushing for another WtP book, but I would like to do something different and then come back to Pooh Bear. Tempted by Little House in the Big Woods, but not sure yet.
  • Working on a little painting project. I may have something to show tomorrow ... we'll see:

Painting Project ::: Step One

  • Yesterday, we didn't do much for Valentine's day love around the house. We had Bible study at church in the morning, and the N's had Awana last night. That makes for a full day. This morning, N1 suggested that we go get donuts this morning, and that sounds like a great idea to me. :) We ended up bringing the donuts home to eat because Mama didn't feel 100%, but we were able to drop a cup of coffee by Daddy's office which is always fun.
  • This photo makes me laugh:

February 11, 2009

She was groovin'.

  • With that, I'm going to finish up some church work and hang with my girls who are now up from their rest time (which was way, way, WAY to short today).
  • Happy Thursday.


  1. Oh wow! That's a whole lot of work in the kitchen!

    And that picture is incredibly cute!

    (BTW, I've tried commenting on a couple of posts without success. I'll see if this one will go through...)

  2. noelle is such a little darling. i cant get over how much i see you AND travis in her. it's so bizarre!

    also i love the roygbiv painting in the kitchen!

    i hope you feel better soon!

  3. wow! The new kitchen looks great!! I wish I could get a kitchen makeover. On second thought, I wish I could just get a new kitchen (attached to a new house). :)

    Can't wait to see the finished door! You are teasing me!!

  4. Fantastic!! Looks just like a fancy magazine... You go girl!!!!!!!!


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