Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Project Life // December 11 - 17

This is apparently turning into a scrapbooking catch-up blog. If you aren't into the scrapbook pages, feel free to pass them by. Blogging them (when I remember and have time) has been a great accountability to keep working on them and stay up to date. And it's a good little weekly overview for the grandma's of what we have been doing. : )


On the left: a big overview shot of the girls' Christmas progam (the insert holds the program that was handed out) and I've included more details of their concert in my December Daily album here. Also, included is a fun quote from N2 regarding some books she picked out at the library and a funny story from the girls about a VCR that we have borrowed. We haven't had a VCR in probably 10 years, so the fact that we have one here on loan has opened up a whole new world of things they can check out at the library and I let them pick out a few tapes to bring home. As I was putting one in, I was trying to read the buttons and they asked me if I needed them to go get Daddy to help me with this new machine. Ha. : )


Love the picture of N1 from last week's zoo trip on the journaling insert card. She was so excited that one of the birds FINALLY landed on her.


On the back of the 8 1/2 x 11 insert is the old cover from the book N1 was reading and finished. We're going to read this book again together in January as we study Colonial America.


The right side: a pic of the little girls from the zoo, a collage of a fun math activity that N2 & B did to finish up our fall semester of school. Math + m&m's = fun. : ) The bottom include the program from a Christmas play we attended at another church and a photo of a book that I am excited about reading over our Christmas break!





  1. So is this a different style of page protector than the original?

    I love it!

  2. It's actually the same size, but I think the way I have cropped things makes it look otherwise. : )

  3. I have a memory-book too, and I simply love it.


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One of my goals this year has been to diversify my reading. As I've spent the last 17 years homeschooling anywhere from 1-4 kids, I woul...