Current Books: the Tea Shop Mysteries
by Laura Child. Thoroughly enjoying them. Can't say the same for her scrapbooking mystery
series ... much edgier (set in New Orleans) and more profanity. Rats!
Current Playlist: Aaron Copland ... when I'm not listening to kid-tunes.
Current Shame: Great Value Trail Mix. Yummmmmm.
Current Color: Dark Orange. A color I can't wear at all, but I am wanting it everywhere else.
Current Fetish: Dreaming of things I want to do with the girls as they get a bit older ... road trips to take, places to see, activities, books to read, etc. Not that I am saying we are done with babies, but I've dreaming of things yet to come. :)
Current Drink: Diet Dr. Thunder from Walmart. My Diet Coke has been ridiculously expensive lately.
Current Food: Tomatoes and more tomatoes. The garden is flourishing in that department!
Current Favorite Favorite: This picture of my crew. Taken right after picking Daddy up at the airport from a long trip for work.

Current Wishlist: The return of my old routine of getting up before the girls. I've had a few weeks off but wishing won't make me get up in the morning. Only setting the alarm will do that!
Current Needs: Thanking God that there is nothing that we are without that we desperately need. I would like to order N1's science books this week, but I can be patient if necessary. :)
Current Triumph: Planning 6 weeks of fun social studies reading and such for the kindergartener. We. are. so. excited!!!!
Current Bane of my Existence: Procrastination. (Myself ... not others).
Current Indulgence: My husband. He's pretty darn fabulous. And the fun stuff we are working on for our anniversary this weekend. The big SEVEN. :)
Current Mood: Sleeeeeeepy.
Current #1 Blessing: My family.
Current Slang or Saying: ShoMama! (Something my husband says that now my girls say all. the. time.)
Current Outfit: capri jeans and a white t-shirt.
Current Excitement: Celebrating the anniversary this weekend. Plans are in the works...
Current Link: I think I posted all my good links on Saturday, so if you missed them, go here. :)