Wednesday, January 07, 2009

My Big Girls

Yesterday we spent a good portion of our afternoon running around and one of our stops was the hair salon. I've been going back and forth on getting N1's hair cut and we finally took the plunge. She LOVES it. It's going to be so much easier for her to take care of (and way less tangles for us to pick out of her hair!) Now I'm wishing that we had done it sooner. :)

The middle munchkin also had her few hairs cut and bobbed just like big sister. When did my girls start looking so big?

Speaking of #2, N2 has been a trooper today. We have been talking for MONTHS about how she will be starting Cubbies (Awana) tonight with N1 at church. And, when you go to Cubbies like a big girl, then you don't need to use a passie anymore. When she got up this morning, we put the passie away and other than a few initial tears, she hasn't asked for it yet! Right now she is having her rest time and is a little at loose ends while she is settling herself ... but not fussing! So proud of her today.


  1. I LOVE the hair! I saw the pic on Facebook yesterday and never commented on it... Such a darling girls!!!

  2. It's amazing how a haircut completely changes their looks. {sniff.sniff.} Which reminds me that I need to take Ellie to get her hair cut again. Her bangs are almost in her eyes and we're spending too much time picking out tangles (which wouldn't be there if she kept her hair out of her face when she ate). = )

  3. Gorgeous girlies! You go, Natalie!!

  4. Anonymous1:41 PM

    The haircuts are adorable! I always think short styles are so cute, but I am too chicken to get my Best Girl's hair cut.

    Thanks so much for your kind comments about my sickness. I hope to be feeling better soon!


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