Tuesday, October 09, 2007

A Memo

To: Elizabeth (5 months)
From: Mama
Date: 9 October 2007
RE: Cereal


Mama is thrilled with how excited you are about cereal. The fact that you have decided it tastes good has definitely improved your attitude with regards to feeding. This, again, is a fact that pleases us to no end.

However, if you could swallow the cereal, I think that would help us progress to the next level in cereal enjoyment. Trust me when I say it would be better for all concerned in this new and exciting phase of development.

With much love,
The Management


  1. O man, this is too cute! Only because I've been there! Am still there to some degree. I washed a huge pile of clothes this weekend that all needed to be stain treated first. I realized the boys had about 5 articles of clothing between the 2 of them. All the rest were Ellie's. Mainly because eating for her is a full contact sport. It's a good thing they are so cute!!! = )

  2. Anonymous1:56 PM

    awwwwwww babyyyy

  3. Very funny :-) I need to send a few "memos" to Haydn.


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